For support with managing health, medical, social, and mental wellbeing needs, we have a range of brief interventions and services available.

    Our Integrated Wellbeing Team supports with managing health, social, and mental wellbeing needs for our community including Pasifika, Māori, and whānau with impairments. The team consists of specialists in Case Management Coordinators – Community and Pasifika, Health Coaches, Nurses, Community Social Workers, and Mental Health Practitioners.

    This team provides appropriate care that supports whānau to navigate and access health and social services, one-on-one support for specific goals that encourages behavioural changes, specific mental health short courses such as Anxiety or Wellbeing & Stress, as well as short-term interventions for those with mild-to-moderate mental health issues. This team works closely with general practices to develop individual self-management plans.

    This Integrated Wellbeing Team provides

    Case Management Coordinators

    • Navigate and coordinate community services and governmental agencies to develop a health care and social care network centred around the client.
    • Support whānau with long-term conditions or complex health needs.
    • Pasifika programme available.


    Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs)

    • Registered health practitioners that provide 20-30minute consultations to formulate contextual assessments and focus on brief intervention strategies.
    • Focus on specific problems and how one may solve them.
    • HIPs also provide group sessions for a range of issues such as insomnia, gout, anxiety, or cardiovascular disease.

    Health Coaches

    • Our health coaches are experienced practitioners that are based both in our general practices and the community.
    • We encourage people to identify their own priorities for change and support them to find resources, tools, and support to meet their goals.



    • Individual face-to-face brief intervention sessions for mild to moderate mental health support.
    • Offer brief AOD sessions for adults.

      Anxiety Short Courses

      • 1hr session per week for 4 weeks with a registered and experienced Counsellor.
      • Midday and evening sessions available.
      • Provides education and practical strategies specifically selected to help cope with and manage anxiety.
      • Referral through your doctor.

        Community Wellbeing Sessions

        • 1hr presentation by an experienced facilitator.
        • Provides education and practical strategies on how to cope with and manage stress for your overall wellbeing.
        • Free and open to all in the community.
        • Register your interest in the referral form below.

        Who can access this service

        Ko wai ka taea te uru atu ki tēnei Ratonga?

        This integrated service is provided to adults and young people of the Eastern Bay of Plenty who are registered to an EBPHA General Practice. However, if you live within the area, the team will consider if any supports can be offered to you.


        For a directory of other Mental Health services available in the Eastern Bay, follow the link.

        How do I access this service?

        Me pēhea te uru atu ki tēnei Ratonga?

        10 – 19 years of age

        • Doctor or Practice Nurse
        • School Nurse or School Counsellor
        • Whānau / Family Member
        • Self-referral (see link beside)


        • Referral from your Doctor or Practice Nurse
        • EBPHA Internal Referral request
        • Referrals received via other media platforms will be considered


        For any questions or more information, email


        Meet Our Team

        Our team are qualified, experienced, and dedicated professionals who are here to help you.

        Suicide and Depression

        Where to get help:
         Lifeline: Call 0800 543 354 or text 4357 (HELP) (available 24/7)
         Suicide Crisis Helpline: Call 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7)
        • Youth services: (06) 3555 906
         Youthline: Call 0800 376 633 or text 234
         What’s Up: Call 0800 942 8787 (11am to 11pm) or webchat (11am to 10.30pm)
         Depression helpline: Call 0800 111 757 or text 4202 (available 24/7)
        • Helpline: Need to talk? Call or text 1737
         Aoake te Rā (Bereaved by Suicide Service): Call 0800 000 053
        If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111

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