Farewell Sir Michael Cullen

Farewell Sir Michael Cullen

With much sadness, we farewell Sir Michael Cullen, who died overnight in hospice care in Whakatāne.   Sir Michael Cullen was appointed Chair to the Bay of Plenty District Health Board in 2019, and stepped down in March 2020, due to his battle with lung cancer....

COVID-19 Test Criteria

MOH guidelines for testing People should be tested who have symptoms that meet the clinical criteria for COVID-19 (detailed below). Where people meet the clinical criteria for COVID-19 and also meet the HIS criteria, extra steps (self-isolation and notification) are...

New Zealand is now at Alert Level 4

Recap of current announcements New Zealand has one case of community transmitted COVID-19 in Auckland – this case has been treated as the Delta variant. As this is a more highly transmissible delta variant, a more stringent approach has been taken.   The...
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