Where’s your closest AED?

(Automated External Defibrillator).

Check the website to know your local wherever you are.


Or try the list here:

1) Inside Kmart at the Hub

2) Z (petrol station)

– Edgecumbe, Outside on Bridge Street

– Awakeri

– Kawerau

– Whakatāne

3) Coastlands. Outside the old dairy – possibly not working at the moment

4) Hanging on the wall outside Te Hokowhitu Marae, Keepa Road.

5) Woolworths

6) The fire Station on Commerce Street

7) Riverlea Medical Practice

8 ) Otakiri – Hanging outside Otakiri Hall next to Otakiri School

9) Matatā rugby club

10). Edgecumbe Squash Club

11) WSP, 13 Louvain St

12) Smoking Goose Restaurant

13) Inside the Disability Resource Centre King St.

14) Bay of Plenty Regional Council – 5 Quay Street, Whakatane

15) Whakatane Sports Fishing Club.

16) Manawahe Eco Trust, the old Manawahe School.

17) New world Whakatane

18) F45 Whakatane

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