NSW exposure sites
NSW Health has issued a public health alert after an individual who had visited a number of locations in southern NSW later returned a positive COVID-19 test on return to Melbourne.
Anyone who was at a location of interest and is now in New Zealand should call Healthline, get a test for COVID-19, and isolate until you receive a negative result.
Victoria travel pause
A pause on quarantine-free travel between New Zealand and the state of Victoria from 25 May is in place until
7.59pm Friday 4 June.
Ministry of Health officials will conduct a risk assessment on the situation in Victoria before briefing Ministers
ahead of a decision on the pause on Quarantine Free Travel.
The Ministry has contacted nearly all the 4539 people who flew from Melbourne to New Zealand between 20-25
May to instruct them to self-isolate and get tested.
Travellers are advised to keep checking Victoria Health’s latest information on locations of interest in
Melbourne as the number of exposure sites continues to expand.
See advice here Quarantine-free travel: Contact tracing locations of interest. Testing for anyone who has
been in Melbourne is free.
Read more on the Unite Against COVID-19 website.
Contact tracing
The Melbourne cluster reinforces the critical importance of everyone in New Zealand keeping a record of where
they have been by scanning QR codes or keeping a manual diary of their movements. It can help contact tracers
quickly find potential close and casual contacts if there is a positive COVID-19 case in New Zealand.
Download the latest version of the NZ COVID Tracer app, the seventh major release since its launch in May
2020. There are now 2.8 million registered app users and 1.3 million devices have Bluetooth activated.