Our Board members are here to endorse and support all the services EBPHA provide.
A message from our Board Chair Hamiora Bowkett
“It is a real pleasure and privilege to work within the Eastern Bay, in particular this organisation. I am excited to be involved with initiatives and opportunities to improve the health and wellbeing for all. It is our role to bring together GPs, nurses, and other health professionals, such as Māori health workers, health promotion workers, dietitians, counsellors, and psychologists, to serve the needs of our community. “
Dickie Farrar
Iwi Representative
Linda Steel
Iwi Representative
Shaneen Simpson-Almond
Iwi Representative
Marieke Roelofs-Heijtel
Clinical Representative
Cecile De Groot
Clinical Representative
Nigel Giles
Clinical Representative
Angela Jackson
Community Representative
Jamie Smith
Community Representative
Molly Gerritsen
Board Administrator