Supporting you to choose quality of life over standard of living.
Our service aims to support GP/Practice Nurses in the area of mental health and addiction. The stepped nature of our model allows our health improvement practitioners to see patients quickly and assess the level of help they need.
Our aim is to see clients within 2-3 days to reduce wait time and to remove barriers into the service.
There is no entry criteria and it is free of charge.
Health Improvement Practitioners
Our health improvement practitioners (HIPs), are part of general practice teams and are registered health practitioners.
We provide 20-30 minute consultations to formulate contextual assessments and focus on brief intervention strategies.
We try to focus on specific problems and how you might solve them.
HIPs can also provide group sessions for a range of issues such as insomnia, gout, anxiety or cardiovascular disease.
Health Coaches
Our health coaches are experienced practitioners that are based both in our general practices and the community.
We encourage people to identify their own priorities for change and support them to find resources, tools and support to meet their goals.
The five key roles of our health coaches are:
- Self-management support
- Acting as a bridge between clinician and patient
- Navigation of Health and Social Services system – linking to appropriate community supports
- Emotional support
- Providing continuity within a busy primary care team
In order to be referred or to self-refer, you must be registered with one of our affiliated general practices.
To access this service, you can be referred by other health professionals or fill out the self-referral form below.

Pharyn Herewini
Team Lead
Health Improvement Practitioner

Alison Killeen
Health Improvement Practioner

Daunte Maxwell
Health Coach

Sinead Herewini
Health Coach

Faith Tahuri
Health Coach
The Low Down
0800 111 757
Free text 4202
Safe to Talk
Free text 4334
Gambling Helpline
Free text 8006
Alcohol and Drug HelpLine
Free text 8681